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The Gifts We Give

February 27, 2020

About five years ago, a longtime friend of mine stated that I needed to go to the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. At that time, I was a fairly new business owner, nah, I was a brand new business owner, and I didn’t feel that I was ready for one of the largest gem shows in the world. So, in 2018, I decided that the time was finally right for me to go. One of the things that was on my “shopping list” was a pair of cathedral geodes. Now, I had no idea of the cost, size, any of it, but I knew that I wanted them. I was totally blown away when I arrived and saw the price, the size, etc. etc. Needless to say, they were not purchased.

In 2019, I went back to the Gem Show since my first year’s purchases were a bit of a hit and thought, yet again, about the cathedral geodes. Yeah, no. This wasn’t the year either. Quickly approaching, was the year 2020, and the opportunity to once again, attend the Gem Show. This year tho, was different. I was dragging my feet, looking for a thousand and one excuses why not going was a fabulous idea and then I had a dream. In this dream was a pair of cathedral geodes that I knew belonged to the shop. The next morning, I decided that if the airfare price was right, I was going to go. Needless to say, the price was shockingly inexpensive for a last minute purchase and off to Arizona I went.

Upon arriving to the Gem Show the morning after my arrival in Phoenix, I was on a fast-paced mission as my trip was going to be super short. The first day involved over 30,000 steps as did Friday, Day 2. The interesting part about Friday was I ended up at a venue that had a lot of cathedral geodes. At that point I wasn’t looking, and when I turned around…there THEY were. They were exactly like the ones in my dream, color, shape, cracks and size. I inquired about the price and when told…I was disheartened. The gentleman, Alex, saw the look on my face and was willing to discount them a little, but then there was shipping. Let me tell you, shipping 580 pounds is not a light fare. I left that afternoon with a decision to make, but not without inquiring with my friends who were pros at bartering at the Gem Show!

Ultimately, after discussing the price, and showing them photos, they suggested that I purchase them and ask the seller if he would be willing to split the shipping with me. Sounded like a fabulous idea! Of course, deciding on a purchase like this, did make me slightly anxious so who did I contact, my mom. In talking with her, one of the things that she always says to me is, “you need to treat yourself!” She elaborated on that statement with, “you work hard and dedicate a lot of your time, why not splurge, you only live once.” As I was listening to her words, something within me lit up and I knew it wasn’t about treating me, but rather treating the shop. I shared with her that The Loving Piece gives to so many people in so many different ways, and the energy that is enveloped within those four walls consistently gives, and gives and gives, and the time had arrived where it was truly time to “really treat the shop”!

The next morning after shipping all of my prior purchases, I went back to the venue where I saw those dream-state geodes and fingers crossed that they were still there. They were!!! Upon my arrival, without saying a word, Alex walked right over to me with the words…oh I see you are back! I smiled and he asked me what I had decided. I told him that the shipping was a little pricey, so without saying another word, he discounted the geodes and we split the shipping. I didn’t even need to practice the bartering tools that I so generously was taught the night before. Thank you Billy & Gilligan! I finalized my purchase and the end of my 2020 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show journey was completed. It took awhile for them to arrive, and I was beginning to wonder where they might be, they finally arrived. On Valentine’s Day!

This three day trip taught me so many things…honoring the signs that the Universe so graciously sends us, never doubt what you are capable of, never forgetting about the one’s who so kindly give to you, when you stop looking is usually when it arrives, and that timing truly is everything. I have been asked many times since their arrival if they are for sale and what the price may be. My answer is, no, not yet. They are truly settling in and the shop has welcomed them with open arms. Who is to say that at some point in time they won’t have a sticker on them and moving on to their next home, but in the meantime, they are there to distribute love to whomever comes near, and to remind us to give to the one’s who give…and even to the one’s who don’t.


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